Boot Camp for Education Legal Leadership
January 24, 2024
| Duane Morris LLP
| The Regulatory Landscape - A Dynamic and Disruptive 12 Months
February 28, 2024
| Duane Morris LLP
| Compliance and Best Practices for Catalogs, Publications and Student-Facing Materials
March 20, 2024
| Duane Morris LLP
| Plan for Change: Regulations and Guidance with Significant Operational Impact
September 10, 2024
| Duane Morris LLP
| The Supreme Court and Higher Education – Impacts of the Court’s Recent Decisions on College Operations
October 15, 2024
| Duane Morris LLP
| Investigations and College Operations – Best Practices for Internal Investigations and Responding to Government Investigations and Inquiries
November 12, 2024
| Duane Morris LLP
| Post-Election Analysis: Federal Regulatory and Legislative Impacts on College and University Operations
Webinar Replay
Session 6
November 12, 2024 | Post-Election Analysis: Federal Regulatory and Legislative Impacts on College and University Operations
About the Program
The 118th Congress has taken an active role in its oversight of the Department of Education and postsecondary institutions. The upcoming election has the potential to redirect and intensify that focus with the incoming 119th Congress. Join our Higher Education team as they conduct a post-election discussion of the following topics:
- Expected legislative activity in higher education during the 119th Congress
- Potential regulatory actions and enforcement activities of the outgoing Department of Education leadership and the new administration
- What to expect regarding congressional investigations and informal requests for information in the next Congress
- Anticipated focus areas of the White House, U.S. Senate and House of Representatives
- How to keep informed regarding the evolving federal agenda and its potential impacts on your institution

Katherine D. Brodie

Kristina Gill

Anthony J. Guida, Jr.

Matthew Steinway
Session 5
October 15, 2024 | Investigations and College Operations – Best Practices for Internal Investigations and Responding to Government Investigations and Inquiries
About the Program
This session geared toward general counsel, human resources officers and staff with compliance responsibilities will focus on best practices and strategies for conducting effective internal investigations, preparing for and responding to external inquiries and reaching optimal resolutions. We will also discuss recent investigative and enforcement activity by federal and state agencies that may impact colleges and universities of all types.
- Types of investigations: Federal agency, legislative, state attorney general, Title IX and others
- Pre-investigation considerations: Determining the purpose, scope, potential disclosures and plan
- Privilege considerations
- Roles and use of inside and outside counsel, non-lawyers and third parties
- Public relations strategies
- Litigation, negotiation and settlement considerations
- Relevant legal developments

Daniel R. Walworth

Jessica High
Session 4
September 10, 2024 | The Supreme Court and Higher Education – Impacts of the Court’s Recent Decisions on College Operations
About the Program
Please join Duane Morris LLP for the continuation of our Boot Camp for Education Legal Leadership Webinar Series on emerging topics of importance to colleges and universities of all types.
This session, geared toward general counsel and staff, will provide an overview and analysis of important Supreme Court cases from the most recent term, including expected and potential impacts on:
- Current federal education-related regulation and challenges to same
- Future federal agency rulemaking impacting education

Brian J. Slipakoff

Edward Cramp
Session 3
March 20, 2024 | Plan for Change: Regulations and Guidance with Significant Operational Impact
About the Program
In this session, we will focus on new guidance and regulations that present risk for institutions, partners and owners, and service providers.
Topics include:
- The status of third-party servicer guidance and potential changes to the incentive compensation bundled services exemption, including their impacts on institutions and service providers.
- The Department’s guidance on entity and individual signature requirements for the institution’s Program Participation Agreement and the implications of those requirements on the entities and individuals required to sign.
- How the revised definition of “nonprofit institution” in the new requirements on changes of ownership may impact many of the novel structures institutions have employed in the past five years.
- Review of the Department’s new regulations governing closed school discharges, including changes regarding automatic discharges, cessation of “most” programs and the impact of approved teach out agreement plans with students.
Session 2
February 28, 2024 | Compliance and Best Practices for Catalogs, Publications and Student-Facing Materials
About the Program
The start of the year is an excellent time for institutions to review their policies and establish a review cycle for all of their student-facing publications. In this session, Duane Morris Education attorneys will discuss strategies and best practices for institutions conducting policy, catalog and handbook reviews for the 2023-24 academic year with a focus on the value these materials have in mitigating institutional risk in the current active regulatory climate.
Topics include:
- Catalog compliance and best practices in policy creation, distribution and review cycles, including identifying all of the contributors and stakeholders.
- Understanding the regulatory view of a catalog’s purpose and function versus the role it plays in marketing and admissions.
- Survey of required polices and disclosures and the recommended ones that mitigate risk.
- Common issues in policy development, application and retention.
Session 1
January 24, 2024 | The Regulatory Landscape - A Dynamic and Disruptive 12 Months
The slide deck for this event is also available to view (PDF)
About the Program
The past 12 months have been one of the most active in recent memory for the U.S. Department of Education in publishing new regulations and issuing new policy guidance in the area of Title IV, Higher Education Act compliance. Join the Education Industry Group at Duane Morris for review and analysis of these developments and how they impact your institution, both now and in the near future.
Topics include:
- Outcomes of the Department of Education’s negotiated rulemaking sessions that started in 2021 and concluded with Final Rules in 2022 and 2023.
- A dive into the most impactful of the new regulations in the areas of: borrower defense to repayment, financial responsibility, gainful employment, financial value transparency, administrative capability, and certification procedures, as well as how each of these rules affect all institutions, public, private, and nonprofit and proprietary.
- The Biden administration’s progress to date on new 2023-2024 rulemaking topics and guidance, including: accreditation, state authorization, distance education, cash management, and Return to Title IV, plus an update on third party servicer guidance re-issuance expectations.
- The Department of Education’s increasingly aggressive enforcement, fine, investigation and other tactics, and how to avoid – or mitigate damage of – being in the regulatory cross hairs.

Anthony J. Guida, Jr.

Katherine D. Brodie

Kristina Gill

Edward Cramp
About the Series
Being part of legal leadership at a college or university requires diverse skills and a broad knowledge of the law. The heavily regulated higher education landscape further requires counsel to stay ahead of complex and changing federal and state rules that affect everything from student life to financial aid and beyond. Join Duane Morris for the first session of our webinar series for legal leadership and general counsel on effective legal strategies to meet the critical challenges that institutions of higher education – public, private, large and small – all face in an increasingly strict regulatory environment. The pressure has never been greater than now as, in addition to regulatory concerns, educational institutions have to address the needs of different constituents: students, administrators, instructors and faculty, boards of trustees and alumni – all while under intense scrutiny to demonstrate value to the public.
Our seminar series is designed to help current and future legal leadership and general counsel in higher education understand the business and regulatory challenges in the industry – including an analysis of the Department of Education’s agenda – develop strategic plans that advance your institution’s goals.
About Duane Morris LLP
Duane Morris LLP, a law firm with more than 900 attorneys in offices across the United States and internationally, is asked by a broad array of clients to provide innovative solutions to today’s legal and business challenges.
For years, Duane Morris has served all sectors of education, along with the various businesses that support them. Our attorneys provide these organizations with deep experience and trusted guidance regarding complex issues that impact school decision-making on operations, finances and strategic planning for the future.