Duane Morris' nationally recognized Insurance practice defends insurers and their affiliates in tort and statutory claims alleging breach of the covenant of good faith and fair dealing, improper claims and underwriting practices, consumer fraud and extra contractual claims.

Duane Morris attorneys primarily protect insurers from bad faith claims through sound advice at the claims handling stage, based on our experience and extensive knowledge of state claims handling regulations and related laws. We regularly provide advice to insurers at the claims handling stage to minimize the likelihood that an insured will be able to use bad faith allegations as a litigation tactic to force payment of otherwise unmeritorious claims. Duane Morris attorneys can assist in formulating strategies for handling mediations and settlement conferences in underlying cases with an eye towards avoiding bad faith traps and we are frequently called upon to represent insurers in such proceedings.

The insurance litigation team is actively handling a variety of high-exposure, multimillion dollar bad faith actions, including in the states of California, Georgia, Minnesota, Nevada and New York – including allegations concerning purported breach of duty to defend and alleged failure to settle within policy limits.

When coverage litigation arises or becomes necessary, Duane Morris attorneys are experienced trial counsel and well-versed in the most efficient means of addressing bad faith allegations, from summary judgment through trial and appeal.

For More Information

For more information regarding Duane Morris' Insurance and Reinsurance group, please contact Damon N. Vocke, Jessica E. La Londe or any of the group members referenced in the Attorney Listing.