Alexander M. Geisler

Of Counsel

  • Alexander M. Geisler
  • Phone: +44 20 7786 2111

    Alexander M. Geisler - LinkedIn Import to Address Book

  • Duane Morris
    Citypoint, 16th Floor
    One Ropemaker Street
    London, UK EC2Y 9AW

Alexander M. Geisler is a team lead for the Duane Morris Transportation/Automotive Industry group. He practices in the areas of commercial litigation and dispute resolution, with extensive experience in international cross-border litigation and arbitration. He is the International Vice Chair of the Trial Tactics Committee at the International Association of Defence Counsel. 

 Alex is well-known in the auto industry as a manufacturer’s lawyer for his work in product compliance, safety compliance, and product liability. He defends manufacturers, auto makers and suppliers in litigation all over the world, both as a trial lawyer and a defence coordinator, providing strategic oversight to local counsel of choice. Alex's workplace is often field-based, at manufacturing plants, incident locations and courtrooms. 

Alex also advises auto makers on emissions reduction technologies and associated regulations for testing, certification and type approval of vehicles, along with regulatory and ethical issues affecting autonomous vehicles. He is also retained for special investigations, process reviews and silo-busting exercises, as well as supporting recalls and managing critical concerns. Innovative approaches and creative solutions come as standard.

In the world of legal ops, Alex created the industry-approved Lean Law program comprising lessons and tools for efficient, effective and transparent legal operations. He has also developed bespoke training programs for both law departments and engineering communities. He is a regular speaker and a published author.

Mr. Geisler is a 1981 graduate of the City of London University.

Representative Matters

    Products Liability

  • Counsel to motor vehicle, bicycle and other manufacturers in catastrophic accident cases.

  • Counsel to automakers in emissions litigation and investigations, in group and class actions in various jurisdictions.

  • Advising international manufacturers on all aspects of calamity management situations, including recalls and subsequent litigation.

  • Designing bespoke strategies first-mover litigation plans and containment schemes.

  • Advising on harnessing 'Big Data' into actionable decisions and coordinating integrity-based investigations.

  • Creating and advising on containment strategies and PR coordination.

  • 'Rest of World' strategic oversight counsel to UK based auto makers.

  • Counsel to GM's Customer Assistance Centre in England in the establishment of a "Surgery" system to review and redesign various processes including models for Case Management, Training and Allocation of awards and expenses in Product Quality Litigation.

  • International Disputes

  • Advising on all aspects of legal privilege and confidentiality as it applies in cross border litigation scenarios, developing and deploying future-litigation measurers such as document control systems and discovery-constraint measures. Advising on trial venue issues as applicable in the EU and other territories, forum conveniens issues and the like.
  • Undertaking in situ strategic oversight roles in numerous complex product liability and other disputes, with emphasis on foreign catastrophe scenarios in various territories.

  • Dealing with individual and potential class actions arising at the suit of individuals, their insurers, and other affected third parties.

  • Obtained on behalf of Jaguar Cars Exports Ltd. a judgment from the High Court of Justice, Commercial Court dismissing a claim brought by a member of the Qatari royal family arising from the termination of a franchise agreement.

  • Counsel to a California-based oil refinery in 2001 regarding a re-selling contract involving a major dispute arising out of a contract for a substantial consignment of Iraqi crude oil.

  • London Defence Counsel to American-parented bank in International Trade disputes.

  • Trademark and Branding

  • Counsel to General Motors in the joint design and launch of its European Brand Protection program in 2001. Counsel to brand owners, including a number in the auto industry. This project included coordinating with the parties involved in investigation procedures culminating in face to face dealings with infringers from Germany, Spain, France, Greece, Italy, North and South America, resulting in the collection of substantial settlement sums.

  • Insolvency Strategies

  • Counsel to numerous automotive clients severely affected by hostage situations, the first of which concerned the insolvent supplier, Transtec. Successful strategies deployed by which the exposure of the firm's clients was minimized and supply was maintained.

  • Counsel to GM in hostage situations created by the insolvency of suppliers including European Commercial Pressings and UPF Thomson. In the former case the supply was maintained through negotiation without payment of any premium. In the latter case GM managed to avoid goodwill payments but maintain supply.

  • Lead counsel in the European investigation into the collapse under suspicious circumstances of one of the biggest Belgian technology companies.

  • Real Estate Disputes

  • Counsel to a number of major corporations dealing with dilapidations claims, construction issues, and other real estate disputes.

  • Counsel to GM in a dispute over access rights to waterways.

  • Counsel to Baylis (Gloucester) Limited in a successful reported decision concerning highway land.


  • England and Wales


  • City of London University, LL.B. (Hons), 1981


  • Duane Morris
    - Of Counsel, 2025-present
    - Partner, 2000-2025
  • Geisler & Laws, London, England
    - Partner, 1996-2000
  • Rakisons, London, England
    - Partner, 1989-1996
  • Reynolds Johnson & Green, London, England
    - Partner, 1987-1989
    - Assistant Solicitor, 1984-1987
  • Brook Martin & Co., London, England
    - Articles of Clerkship, 1982-1984

Professional Activities

  • CPD Accredited course provider approved by the Law Society and the Bar Standards Council of England
  • Accredited trainer and author
  • The Law Society of England and Wales

Selected Publications

Selected Speaking Engagements

  • Moderator, "Legal Challenges and Determining Liability", the Future of Transportation World Conference 2017, July 6, 2017
  • Panelist, "Determining Liability - Issues for Courts, Regulators and Law Enforcement," The Future of Transportation World Conference 2017, Germany, July 5, 2017
  • "A Process to be Proud Of," Interactive Workshop to General Motors (GM) Managers on Product Liability Issues, September, 2013
  • "Strategic Issues for Product Recall," presentation to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders Legal Committee, London, England, 10 June 2010
  • Presenter, "Handling Consumer Litigation," Motor Law Conference 2007, London, 21 February, 2007
  • "The Trouble With Suppliers," presentation to the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, London, England, 4 December, 2003
  • "The Brand Manager's Biggest Headaches - A Radically Different Perception," presentation at the European Anti Counterfeiting Group Conference, 18 October, 2002